My name is Amanda Ekström, I’m 21 years old and studying packaging design at Brobygrafiska in Sunne, Sweden. I am a happy, social and organized girl who grew up in a small town one hour south-east of Gothenburg.
Ever since I was little had a deep passion for design and construction. I love the possibilities design brings to my everyday life and how theres never a limit to what you can achieve, I believe that design is constantly a development and truly enjoy working with programs like Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, CAD etc. Before attending Brobygrafiska I graduated Bäckängsgymnasiet in Borås where I completed classes focusing on Design. In my senior year of highschool we were given an assignment to start a company and work with production, advertising and marketing. My friends and I founded Blanca UF and developed a coloring book that challenge the stereotypical gender norms in todays society. The final product got great response and attention on both TV, newspapers and radio.
Since the start on Brobygrafiska I’ve gotten deeper knowledge working with editing programs, I’ve developed a feel for colors as well as getting really comfortable working with more advanced programs like CAD. Some of our assignments this past year has been designing several book covers, designing candy bags and boxes etc. I truly feel like I’m getting better each day working with editing and designing. Im proud of myself and the skills I have but also look forward to learn more. Besides designing and editing things I also enjoy playing soccer, go skiing and skating when I have time off.